@ A summer ritual, the MSSRA Thursday Night Cruise to Dinner, on Thursday evenings. A shift this year to the REI parking lot at the Midtown Mall. Enjoy the car show of those who show and join the group for dinner and with camaraderie with fellow motorsport enthusiasts. Restaurants start[Read More…]
MSSRA: 40th Annual Show ‘n Shine
The Midnight Sun Street Rod Association’s annual event has been a part of the motorsports scene on the first Sunday in August…seemingly forever! Bring your vehicle on the Delaney Park Strip or park in the general area and walk up ‘n down the rows ‘n rows ‘n rows of cars,[Read More…]
MSSRA 38th Annual Show ‘n Shine
The Midnight Sun Street Rod Association’s annual event has been a part of the motorsports scene on the first Sunday in August…seemingly forever! Bring your vehicle on the Delaney Park Strip or park in the general area and walk up ‘n down the rows ‘n rows ‘n rows of cars,[Read More…]
MSSRA 37th Annual Show ‘n Shine
The Midnight Sun Street Rod Association’s annual event has been a part of the motorsports scene on the first Sunday in August…seemingly forever! Bring your vehicle on the Delaney Park Strip or park in the general area and walk up ‘n down the rows ‘n rows ‘n rows of cars,[Read More…]
MSSRA Fall Auto Parts Swap Meet
@ This annual Midnight Sun Street Rod Association gathering will be held in the parking lot of the Northway Mall again this fall. $15 get you a booth to sell your spare parts (and automotive treasures) or just come on out to find those parts for your current or upcoming winter car project! One of the last events as the[Read More…]
MSSRA Spring Auto Parts Swap Meet
This annual Midnight Sun Street Rod Association gathering will be held in the parking lot of the Northway Mall this year. $15 get you a booth to sell your spare parts (and automotive treasures) or just come on out to find those parts for your current or upcoming car project! One of the first events as the[Read More…]
ANC: MSSRA Show ‘n Shine
The Midnight Sun Street Rod Association will be hosting its annual event on the Delaney Park Strip, Sunday, August 6th. This is the event for all car clubs and Alaskans across the State – motorcycles, trucks, race cars, antique and unique, sports cars, muscle cars, and of course, street rods!
ANC: MSSRA Jay Ofsthun Memorial Show and Shine
@ The annual gathering at the Delaney Park Strip, in downtown Anchorage. Enthusiasts from all car clubs, motorcycle enthusiasts, and hundreds of Alaskans walk the rows of over 300 vehicles. The annual pilgrimage has car clubs and motorsport enthusiasts travel up from the Kenai Peninsula and down from the Interior[Read More…]
Classic cars parade through Anchorage in a socially distant July Fourth celebration
From ADN.com – July 4, 2020, Marc Lester Drivers of classic cars gathered in Anchorage for a makeshift parade around the city on Independence Day. Organizer David Jensen, president of the Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska, said the event grew from the cancellation of the traditional Fourth of July parade[Read More…]
ANC: “The Rumble” at Mirror Lake, a Solstice Car Show
@ This annual car show brings all the car clubs together on the Solstice – June 21st – no matter the day! • MSSRA – Midnight Sun Street Road Association View Organizer Website MidnightSunSRA@gmail.com Add to calendar Google Calendar iCalendar Outlook 365 Outlook Live