The Vernon L Nash Antique Automobile Club will have a fun poker run out to the Chatanika Lodge, leaving Bentley Mall after Cars and Coffee at 10A. Rochelle Larson is contact person. The Chatanika Lodge is located at 5760 Steese Highway, Fairbanks.
Tag: Fairbanks
VLNAACF Hilltop Run
The Vernon L Nash Antique Automobile Club will have a nice drive out to the Hilltop Truck Stop, 3711 Elliott Highway, leaving Bentley Mall after Cars and Coffee at 10A. Paul Tekin is contact person.
VLNAACF Mondo Poker Run
The Vernon L Nash Antique Automobile Club will have a nice drive and poker run out to the Monderosa Bar, 309 Parks Highway down in Nenana. Don Oines is contact person.
The Vernon L Nash Antique Automobile Club will have a nice afternoon with some fun car games.
VLNAACF Annual Picnic
The Vernon L Nash Antique Auto Club of America will hold their Annual Picnic at Pioneer Park. Bring a dish to share and we’ll be giving away the Raffle Car to one lucky winner!
VLNAACF Double Eagle Run
The Vernon L Nash Antique Automobile Club will have a nice drive out around Farmer’s Loop Road to the Fairbank Gold and Country Club and the Double Eagle Restaurant.
Fairbanks Golden Days Parade
The Vernon L Nash Antique Automobile Club’s Annual Rib Run. We’ll head out to the Salchaket Roadhouse, 9162 Richardson HIghway for some terrific ribs. There is limited seating, so Will & Theresa Chase will pre-sell tickets for the ribs. You won’t want to miss this run!
VLNAACF Slow Poke Tour
The Vernon L Nash Antique Automobile Club will have a nice drive, taking our time, around town on the Slow Poke Tour
VLNAACF Knotty Shop Run
The Vernon L Nash Antique Automobile Club will have a nice drive out to the Knotty Shop, 6565 Richardson Highway, Salcha for ice cream.