This year, the VLNAACF will host the Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska at Delta Junction – challenging them to good fun, car games and valve cover races! We have discounts at The Alaska 7 Motel and Diamond Willow Inn, so be sure to mention you are with the Vernon Nash Car[Read More…]
AAMA Joint Meet 2014
The Antique Auto Mushes of Alaska will host the Vernon L Nash Antique Autombile Club of America Fairbanks for the 2014 Joint Meet.
Homer Car Show
Join members of the Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska on their visit to Homer at this Sunday Car Show.
ANC: Fur Rondy Car Show
The annual Fur Rondy Car Show will take place at Bob’s Services. This tradition, by the Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska, opens after the Rondy Parade, with hours 12-5 PM on Saturday and 10 AM to 5 PM on Sunday.
Shake Down Cruise to Homer
For lodging: Ocean Shores Hotel provides a convenient location and a beautiful sweeping view of Katchemak Bay. They currently show plenty of vacancies for our stay, May 17-20. All rooms are $94 senior rate and $99 regular. Ocean Shores Hotel is the central hotel for lodging with its convenient location.[Read More…]
ANC: MSSRA Jay Ofsthun Memorial Show and Shine
@ The annual gathering at the Delaney Park Strip, in downtown Anchorage. Enthusiasts from all car clubs, motorcycle enthusiasts, and hundreds of Alaskans walk the rows of over 300 vehicles. The annual pilgrimage has car clubs and motorsport enthusiasts travel up from the Kenai Peninsula and down from the Interior[Read More…]
Classic cars parade through Anchorage in a socially distant July Fourth celebration
From – July 4, 2020, Marc Lester Drivers of classic cars gathered in Anchorage for a makeshift parade around the city on Independence Day. Organizer David Jensen, president of the Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska, said the event grew from the cancellation of the traditional Fourth of July parade[Read More…]
Adventure Before Dementia Tour (ABDT) 2019
Don’t miss this fun tour with the Vernon L. Nash Antique Auto Club of Fairbanks from Fairbanks to Whitehorse, Dawson City, and downtown Tok! From the organizers, “This years’ Adventure Before Dementia Tour will depart Fairbanks on Wednesday, June 26, and return after the Independence Day parade in Tok (July[Read More…]
FAI: Adventure Before Dementia Tour (ABDT) 2015
Seven days, six nights & 1,069 miles. Are you ready for an adventure that will take you from Fairbanks to Talkeetna, a tour of MATI (Alaska Transportation Museum), the Wagon Trail Days parade in Hope and visit with our Antique Auto Mushers of Alaska friends replete with a pancake feed[Read More…]