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Latest Past Events

ANC: MSSRA Show ‘n Shine

• Delaney Park Strip, Anchorage 1110 W 9th Ave, Anchorage

The Midnight Sun Street Rod Association will be hosting its annual event on the Delaney Park Strip, Sunday, August 6th. This is the event for all car clubs and Alaskans across the State – motorcycles, trucks, race cars, antique and unique, sports cars, muscle cars, and of course, street rods!

ANC: Annual April Fool’s Meet by AKMC

• Red Robin Restaurant, Dimond Blvd 401 East Dimond Blvd, Anchorage

The Annual gathering of the Alaska Miata Club, April Fool's Meet, will be Saturday, April 1st. The first event of the Alaska Miata Club is an annual event for them too! Meet at Red Robin on Dimond and see who made it after another winter. Mike Hernandez will also discuss[Read More...]

ANC: MSSRA Jay Ofsthun Memorial Show and Shine

• Delaney Park Strip, Anchorage 1110 W 9th Ave, Anchorage

@ The annual gathering at the Delaney Park Strip, in downtown Anchorage. Enthusiasts from all car clubs, motorcycle enthusiasts, and hundreds of Alaskans walk the rows of over 300 vehicles. The annual pilgrimage has car clubs and motorsport enthusiasts travel up from the Kenai Peninsula and down from the Interior[Read More...]

We strive to keep our event listings current, yet both event organizers and our team may not get word of event changes posted timely. Please check with the organizers before making your travel plans. Let fellow motorsport enthusiasts and organizers know that you learned of their events on Alaska RACE News!